"is this the place we used to love?"

memory page.
buttons redirect to memories for that canon.

moritz stiefel (spring awakening)

i have multiple different canons (including a modern canon) but i'm only going to write down memories for my main canon here.

tw for parental abuse, suicide, and ableism.

-i met melchior when i was around four or five when my mom took me over to his mother's house. i was very shy at first, but the moment i warmed up to him we were inseparable.

-i met wendla and ilse the same way, and the four of us were best friends from a very young age.

-the other kids in town were close with us as well, and we would all play together before we were in separate schools. ernst, wendla, martha, and i were always fairly close since we were more quiet and didn't like to rough house.

-i was autistic and used to stim all the time. my father used to hit me with his cane on my back and my legs to get me to stop. he was never kind to me.

-my mother and i had a complicated relationship, but once i reached a certain age and she realized i wasn't "like other kids", we grew very distant.

-i spent almost every day with melchior from a young age and he was the person i was most dependent on. he was my best friend and i was very in love with him for a long time.

-wendla and i used to pick flowers in the back of her mother's garden and we would give them to melchior and ilse.

-martha and i were church friends and were fairly close. her and i had similar bad home lives so we confided in each other often.

-i would stay the night at melchior's most nights of the week. we would share a bed when we were kids but as we got older i began to sleep on the floor. eventually i wound up sleeping next to him again. i think his mom knew but being the wonderful lady she is she never said anything about it.

-hanschen really, really didn't like me for a very long time. i think it was mostly because he didn't like melchior. he called me his lapdog once and they started fighting and got in trouble.

-after killing myself i was like a ghost. i was able to watch everything but i was never allowed to leave the graveyard where i was buried.

-this canon is a mix between the musical and the play; melchior was going to kill himself but i stopped him. wendla never aided, but she watched from where she was buried. i think she was too scared to approach him.

-after melchior left the graveyard i have no other memories.

-this is one of my largest ids so i have tons of small memories, but these are some smaller ones.

aelita schaeffer (code lyoko)

i have multiple canons but i'm only going to discuss one of my side canons, which is one of the happier ones.

tw for death, self harm, suicide attempts, and alcohol.

-i was close to all of the people in the group for my entire life. we were all very affectionate with each other and honestly we were like platonic soulmates. i ended up dating jeremie through high school and we ended up married eventually.

-jim was like a father to me and he was a big paternal figure for me. while i spent a lot of holidays with jeremie or ulrich's family, on the occasion i had to stay back at the school i would help jim with stuff around the school. we got each other christmas gifts every year and he was actually the one who walked me down that aisle when i did end up getting married. i honestly miss him a lot.

-yumi, ulrich, and william were poly (though yumi and william were still dating, ulrich was really sort of the center of the three).

-i never found my mother. i really wish i had.

-in high school i had a bit of an issue with alcohol. it started out as fun with odd and ulrich but eventually it led to a long string of issues that really messed me up for awhile that i don't want to go into, but if you're curious you can ask.

-toward the end of middle school and the beginning of high school i had some serious self harm and depression-based issues. william and i had very similar disassociation issues after everything that had happened so we became pretty close over that. eventually i started going to therapy and things got better.

-i dyed my hair around the time when all of my mental health issues were getting bad. it was brown and i absolutely hated it.

-sissi was a dear friend when high school came around. her and yumi ended up coming to an understanding and her and ulrich talked things out and she was more or less a part of our circle.

-i ran away from home for about a month. i was officially considered missing and was brought home by the police and was hospitalized for a hot second.

-i tried to kill myself on one account but i was stopped and i feel incredibly guilty for it. it was the one time i tried and i never did again.

-around my junior year of high school was when things were finally getting better and i had started medication and regular therapy and i ended up recovering fairly quickly. i graduated on honor roll.

-i went to university for sound engineering and worked at a recording studio. i recorded my own music on the side but never made a career off of it. it was still one of my favorite hobbies, though.

-eventually i had a daughter! we named her after my mom and honestly it was one of the best things that had ever happened to me.

-i did have some mild postpartum depression, but i recovered quickly and i like to think i was a pretty good mom.

-anthea was a spoiled kid because she had seven people doting on her at all times. but she was a good kid.

-if you have any questions or elaborations on memories with a specific person, let me know!

crona gorgon (soul eater)

tw for heavy parental abuse and violence.

-i was fairly heavily abused from an early age. it was mostly medusa but she had different people come around sometimes. boyfriends or... whatever. i didn't really ask questions since i was afraid i'd be punished for asking.

-i was kept on an incredibly healthy diet for most of my life. i was underfed and overexerted in training and it really fucked up my body while i was growing.

-i have a very specific memory of being about twelve or thirteen and being asked to kill a group of men. one of them bested me and i got beaten pretty mercilessly. medusa didn't do anything to help and thought of it as a punishment for failing. i would have died if she hadn't intervened at the last moment.

-ragnarok was incredibly manipulative as well because medusa had ordered him to be once she realized i wasn't able to do what she wanted me to on my own.

-my gender didn't really have a label to it and i preferred it that way, though i was more feminine presenting after shibusen took me in.

-maka was my depended for a really, really long time. she was no doubt the most important person to me. i lived with her while i attended the academy after the kishin was defeated.

-i didn't die like in canon, rather i lived but was comatose for a few months. when i woke up almost everything had been repaired and i was offered a full education at the academy.

-maka and soul were together after they graduated.

-after everyone had graduated and i was still attending the academy since i was several years behind, i became really close with kid. we had always been fairly close but because he had taken over as headmaster i saw him much more often than i saw the others. i had romantic feelings for him but i don't think they were ever reciprocated; it they were, it wouldn't exactly have been possible for it to work out.

-once i did graduate, kid offered me a teaching position at the academy. i accepted and ended up being one of the full-time staff members.

-a lot of students really hated me, which was warranted. maka hated it, though.

-stein and marie were like parents to me. they were some of the most important people in my life and after marie had her child i helped maka babysit. they were like my little sibling. to me i think it was a girl, but i can't really remember.

-if you have any questions i'm more than happy to discuss anything.

ryou bakura (yu-gi-oh!)

tw for disassociation, abuse, parental and sibling death.

-i was very independent from an early age. my mom and sister died when i was about twelve, my father died when i was around ten, and then my stepdad was never around because he was travelling for business. he would wire me money but i more or less lived on my own.

-i had to move a few times due to the spirit of the ring sending classmates into a coma.

-i had a similar canon beginning to season 0, except the battle wasn't with yugi and the rest of the gang, but a random gang of people from one of my old schools. i ended up stabbing my hand and i could never close it all the way again due to nerve damage.

-from there i'm mostly canon compliant to the end of the series.

-after the spririt of the ring was gone i had serious disassociation issues. i would lose time constantly at first and i was diagnosed with anxiety and a disassociative disorder.

-i graduated and left domino city to study abroad. i studied archaeological anthropology and botany. i remember living in england, spain, somewhere in southeast asia, and somewhere in the united states to study. i was in university for at least six or seven years, then i settled in cairo to work as a curator in the museum there. ironic.

-yugi was my best friend and before i left for university we were almost inseparable. we had very similar situations and it was comforting to have somebody who was also heavily affected by the millennium items to talk to.

-when i got settled in cairo, i decided to try and get ahold of marik because we hadn't talked to one another in a long time and it led to a really wonderful friendship and potentially a relationship. i'm not sure if we were ever together yet but i had romantic feelings for him. i know he had had romantic feelings for the spirit though, so it was a little weird at first.

-we were roommates after awhile and shared his apartment. it was easier money wise and it was fun to live with someone after being alone for most of my life.

-one night we both ended up waking up after nightmare stuff and we both were in the living room at around the same time and we ended up talking for awhile and it was the first time i had ever seen him cry. i tried to casually rub his back or comfort him and he panicked a bit because he didn't really like people touching his back. i'm not sure exactly what happened or why he decided to let me but he showed me the scars on his back and i showed him the ones on my chest from the ring. it was probably one of the simultaneously worst and best nights of my life. it was sort of like an emotional detox.

-if you want to talk about anything else please let me know!

william byers (stranger things)

tw for abuse and homophobia.

-mike was my best friend for as long as kindergarten and he was the only person besides my brother that i trusted with everything.

-mike had pretty bad anger issues but i always tried to help calm him down.

-jonathan was a wonderful brother and he would protect me from my parents' fighting and my dad's criticism on the daily before they divorced.

-i was picked on for being gay even before i realized that i might not be straight. i didn't even mention the idea of it to my mom until after she had left my dad, and she had supported me despite the fact that i wasn't even sure myself.

-dustin helped me create my first dnd character!

-i had a crush on mike but it took me awhile to come to terms with it. even then, it was never really a head-over-heels type deal. it was like any childhood crush, though i'm not sure if i ever told him or anything ever came of it.

-when el came back around after it was finally safe, we were a bit at odds. she didn't like me because i was mike's friend and i had some hesitance toward her because her and mike were... not really dating but felt intensely for each other.

-i had frequent nightmares and had disassociation issues, but starting therapy with an actual therapist was really helpful. jim helped my mom get resources for cheap.

-nancy used to babysit mike and i when she was around thirteen. i really liked her and she was almost like a sister i didn't have, even if she didn't care much for me when i was young.

-i know that my brother and nancy ended up dating, but i'm not sure where steve stood with them at the moment.

-my mom cut my hair after her and my dad divorced. we didn't have much money to spare and my haircut was easy.

-i used to draw fairly often, especially when i was in with the party and felt the need to retreat for awhile. i'd focus on one particular person and sketch them out. once el let me draw her when it was me, her, and mike. she sat and for over an hour without moving.

-i don't have many memories for this canon yet, these are mostly all just general ideas. i hope to remember more soon, but if you want to talk i'd be happy to hear memories to see if it spurs up any for me!